Welcome to 100 Days of Movie Pitches!
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you'll stay tuned through the highs and inevitable lows of this marathon, 100-day project. I've never done anything like this before, and in fact, have never even created an actual movie pitch, so I can guarantee that the journey ahead will be highly entertaining in the same way that train wrecks, drunken bar fights, and losing your virginity are. And if the muses are generous, and the beads of sweat on my forehead run in red torrents, hopefully there will be at least one or two true gems in here... Maybe even the Susan Boyle of movie pitches?
So please stick around, leave a comment, and feel free to cheer or throw rotten fruit. Let the pitching madness begin.
( All content on this site is original, to my knowledge, and is © the author, of course, 2015.)